47D7FBBC7D171C89B87B26D5C5DEEFC6 E-Book IELTS Special Edition 2019 Tasks 1& 2 - Masnanta

E-Book IELTS Special Edition 2019 Tasks 1& 2

Being alone
Do you like being alone? Oh, sometimes I do but again, all of us do once in a while, right? But honestly, most of the time, I would prefer not to be alone, which is why I have pets. They never fail to make me feel warm and welcome, sometimes even more than my friends.   
Is it important to have some alone time occasionally? As I said before, yes, definitely. I always find it hard to concentrate when there are people around, so whenever I need to work, I have to be on my own. Other than that, spending some “me” time watching films or dancing along to your favorite songs can be quite relaxing.

What do you like to do when you are alone? Let me see... I like listening to music when I am alone, because I always tend to sing along, which is quite embarrassing if someone’s around. Also, I enjoy spending time finishing my personal tasks because I work most effectively when I’m alone.

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